Ugly American

CRank: 5Score: 18310

One is still in the box and the other is used for Blu-Ray movies. After I finished Resistance and Motorstorm and played a few PSN games, what is there to play that I can't play on my 360? There are plenty of titles COMING for both consoles, but in the NEAR future, only one or two I may pick up for the PS3. Heavenly Sword and... something, I'm sure. MGS4 isn't in the near future. I could give two craps about Ratchet. I don't care about Final Fantasy anything. Lair isn't looking so stell...

6250d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

WHAT KIND OF FLAWS does Gears have is the question you need to be asking yourself. The textures pop in at the beginning of a level. Whoopdedoo. The game itself... i.e. THE GAMEPLAY is a blast. And that is kinda' what games are all about. The COOP is amazing.

If gameplay is flawed, then you are going to have a crappy experience... for example, take Lair.

6251d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I did not realize there were so many different kind of fanboys on this site.

The review in the magazine explains WHY they gave Lair a crappy score. In the magazine, it even gave the developers a chance to defend themselves. And then the game gets delayed. Why don't people put two and two together? It looked nice, but wasn't playing like any of YOU were expecting. None of you have played the game, so stop defending a game you have NEVER played.

And as far a...

6251d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The PS3 has almost zero games if you also own a 360. I buy games for my 360 before I buy them for the PS3 just for the achievments alone not to mention the multi-platform games are looking better on the 360(I know it isn't the PS3's fault, but I still want my games to look the best).

If you really want to be playing PS1 games on your PS3, than I guess you have PLENTY of games. I honestly don't know anyone who has any PS1 games left except for maybe FFVII. I have used the PS3...

6251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought Bioshock looked nice and all, and I would play it when I got around to it. But the demo is unbelievable. The graphics are amazing. The gameplay hooked me immediately. Talk about immersion. This will definitely tide me over to Halo 3, and I will be preordering today.
The plasmids are awesome. The hacking of the machines is a little more fun and helpful than I expected. The presentation is right up there with Half-Life and Doom 3. After the demo, I cannot wait for thi...

6251d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did anybody else notice that all of the reasons they listed to buy a PS3 don't actually exist? These are the reasons that he MIGHT buy a PS3. When (a) happens I will (b) purchase the console... None of those things are remotely close to happening.

6252d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think I had the same lady for customer support. When I told her my 360 was scratching my disc, she put me on hold(to get somebody a little smarter on troubleshooting), and told me not to move my 360 while the disc is spinning. Color me angry. I told her there was no way that I could have been moving the console when I was across the room from it.

"Are you sure?"

Shoot me, please. And I have a PS3. And it works fine. Mainly because I have no ga...

6252d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have two PS3's.... oh the retardedness of it all.

6253d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, I am having a hard time keeping myself convinced that I was right in purchasing a PS3. I have Resistance and Motorstorm. Whoopee. Don't get me wrong, they are both great games, but that is about it. Every other game I play is on the 360.

The average consumer equates Playstation to GTA. So with the ONE game that would have moved SYSTEMS for Sony now moved to next year, this holiday season is going to suck for the PS3. There ARE good games coming out for the PS3...

6253d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure why you are defending the actions of the fanboys, but the same people who have to stoop to calling people Xbots for playing a different console are exactly the same people who take THAT kind of action in the real world. It may not have the same magnitude of extremism, but on a website, it may as well have.

6253d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Says the guy calling people Xbots... nice.

6254d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

6 - yes if only halo can get more sucktasticle
i dont even know why you guys try to like this game.girls and trannys play gaylo the erotic adventure,but for me i cant focus when a dude is wearing fabulous pastel colors.and shooting adorable creatures.i'd rather play a new game like,kick naked dead chicken and punch bald cracheads

This needs no comment. I just wanted to cut and paste what you said so that other people can read it after it has been reported. I hate not ...

6254d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If he is right, then cool. But I don't see why you ninny little fanboys have to get your panties all in a wad about it. The plain and simple fact is that there are no games out for the PS3 right now. Resistance is done... now what?

Oh, right. I have plenty of other games on plenty of other systems.

6255d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is that you need to buy a PS3 now because the Emotion Engine going away. What is going to happen to all of those PS2 Converts when the PS3 can't play all of their games? I have two PS3's... one to play, and the other I got because it was cheap... and I will be selling the second one when the 60 GB is discontinued becaues the Emotion Engine will be sought after.

Heavenly Sword and MGS4 are about all I am looking for on the PS3. Halo 3 will keep me occupied until I can get m...

6256d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Only because there is no decent game to move the actual hardware. That isn't that there isn't a single good game coming out. But it is pretty much the only one that Sony HAD coming out during the holidays that a casual gamer would recognize AND pick up an expensive piece of hardware to play it. Hardcore gamers will be excited about one or two of the games coming out, but I have a hard time believing that any of these are going to sell PS3's.

6258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought one for me, one for my wife. While underway for the past 6 months of this year, my DVD drive crapped out, and I bought another because I couldn't get it fixed while I was out to sea. And while I was gone, my wife's 360 got the three red rings of death. As soon as I got home, I called the Xbox repair center.

#1. The lady was incompetent in trying to help me "troubleshoot" my problems. The DVD drive was just crapping out, and she was trying to tell me not t...

6261d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry if I came across as not agreeing with the Contra thing. I do think Contra is one of the best coop games ever... I think I got my "THEY'RE almost ALL multiplatform" message mixed with my "I love Contra, but we are talking modern" message. My bad...

6263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While Contra was the best coop title of all times, the title says MODERN coop. That would not be Contra. And looking at the list, there is only one 360 exclusive game: Gears of War. Which, by the way, really is the definitive coop experience right now. The ability to join a game in progress without ever stopping the game is ridiculously good.
Rainbox Six, Splinter Cell, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and the LEGO Star Wars Trilogy are all multi-platform. R6 Vegas's coop is addictivel...

6263d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And I have pre-ordered 3 copies of Halo 3 for my three different Xbox 360's... I have my two PS3's, but they are taking up space... however 300 does look good on Blu-Ray. I need some games for my PS3! And if Halo 3 was coming out for the PS3, I would buy it, too.

6264d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not sure why we are talking about it, but I pre-ordered Lair as well. Although I may cancel that pre-order after the initial reviews, and wait to buy it.

6264d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment